Friday, March 28, 2014

Uncle Remus Speaks

Like the era of the Holocaust, the lives lost before, during and after President Johnson signing the Civil Rights Bill are unmeasurable. While the night of broken glass lasted one night, the nights and days of racial discrimination, economic inequality, and health disparity have almost always been a part of the american lifestyle.
But unlike the improving lifestyle of others who experienced discrimination, the lifestyle of many blacks is on the verge of genocide. Unorganized but intentional discrimination is not recognized by these groups seeking their own agenda. Like black music, lyrics from civil rights era are only recalled when applying it to their wants and desires. Never mind the people who actually died or were beaten to make the songs, quotes, and lifestyle free.  
when these leaders quote Martin Luther King, they twist his definition to their own unique or warped view of life. Where are they when they are needed to sing the song sung for blacks who are still being killed, jailed or beaten for civil rights?
Like the invisible black sports stars, white America only sees us when we advance their own definition of blackness.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Community Police Commissions are Anemic

After listening to the CPC present its report to the Seattle City Council, I better understand why the Department of Justice strongly intervened as the voice of rational behavior. Even members of the city council were dumbfounded by the committee’s sugar coated but lethargic inactions of leadership. Many languages are adept at double-speak, but the CPC presentation of bureaucratic jargon surely stunk of hyperbole self-promotion.  The committee’s intolerance of police dehumanizing black males is an anemic consideration at the very best. As evidenced by Seattle’s history of rubber-stamp committees, their predictable actions want to reduce the pace of social justice and even in some regards reverse the civil rights of Seattle’s black Americans. It seems the committee has shrugged off the human consequences of police brutality and the destructive connecting dots of the judicial system, unemployment, and homelessness. Once again, the innocent victim is blamed for being raped because they represent indifference to power. The reports algorithms of racist disincentives do not acknowledge the wide statistical disparity of institutional racism. This is a stunning display of naïveté that I hope the city council corrects. This aristocratic committees personal values and public policies have thrown black male victims of a corrupt system under Ted Nugent’s tour bus of discrimination.