Friday, July 27, 2018

J. Ingrid Lundin                                                                     Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Conservation Futures Coordinator
Department of Natural Resources
King Street Center
201 S. Jackson St. Rm.600
Seattle, WA 98104-3855

Top of the morning Ms. Lundin,

My name is Tom Gardner and I live in unincorporated King County where I own a home in Bryn Mawr.  I am writing today to express my gratitude for your support of green spaces in south king county and to tell you why environmental racism is alive and well. Per square mile, there are three times as many parks in urbanized north and east King County then there is in all of South King County.

Since I retired, I tried to volunteer with a non-profit agency to help African-American children emotionally appreciate and understand the science of nature. The agency toted itself on helping children of color understand the fawn and fauna of our great northwest forests. Yet, the agent never did or had planned on recruiting black children into the program. They were surprised that I expected them to incorporate black children into their camping programs.

Because of his institutionalized discrimination against blacks, he was convinced that black people did not like camping, swimming, or hiking in the woods. Those limousine liberals display this same ignorant attitude as contemptuous republicans, who do not live in the south end, but control our environment to the worse of their ability.

I’m somewhat grateful to the actual stories of black mountain men and park rangers. Their images of strength and endurance not only enabled me to challenge a lifestyle in living forests, but to win the challenge of living in the jungles of white privilege.  Forest camping, canoeing and hiking as a kid, helped me to survive the country forests of Vietnam, and prepared me for the indifferent perspectives of equality.

I would like your help into recreating the land protecting our water source into a educational living forest. I understand that over $100 million dollars is dedicated for green space in this underprivileged area lacking of trees, flowers, bees, and birds.  In addition, in order to protect our vital water resources, I would like help putting a moratorium on further building construction until it is considered or a park or public access.  We live in a delicate eco-system, and just like Flint, Michigan, no one seems to care about water consumed by African and South-East Asian Americans.

Many of my neighbor’s basements have flooded with the placement of new culverts. Did the engineers not consider the dozens of streams that have been diverted into people’s homes? And when county officials are asked for easements with trees/grass/curbs/sidewalks to help redirect water flow, we are told that our neighborhood is not eligible for such luxuries. Our working class status and affordable bungalows only qualifies us for easements filled with gravel. When did environmental racism include excluding black tree huggers by segregating trees to white neighborhoods? Does any of your staff live in the SouthEnd? Is that why white bureaucrats do not care about our living conditions?

Friday, March 28, 2014

Uncle Remus Speaks

Like the era of the Holocaust, the lives lost before, during and after President Johnson signing the Civil Rights Bill are unmeasurable. While the night of broken glass lasted one night, the nights and days of racial discrimination, economic inequality, and health disparity have almost always been a part of the american lifestyle.
But unlike the improving lifestyle of others who experienced discrimination, the lifestyle of many blacks is on the verge of genocide. Unorganized but intentional discrimination is not recognized by these groups seeking their own agenda. Like black music, lyrics from civil rights era are only recalled when applying it to their wants and desires. Never mind the people who actually died or were beaten to make the songs, quotes, and lifestyle free.  
when these leaders quote Martin Luther King, they twist his definition to their own unique or warped view of life. Where are they when they are needed to sing the song sung for blacks who are still being killed, jailed or beaten for civil rights?
Like the invisible black sports stars, white America only sees us when we advance their own definition of blackness.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Community Police Commissions are Anemic

After listening to the CPC present its report to the Seattle City Council, I better understand why the Department of Justice strongly intervened as the voice of rational behavior. Even members of the city council were dumbfounded by the committee’s sugar coated but lethargic inactions of leadership. Many languages are adept at double-speak, but the CPC presentation of bureaucratic jargon surely stunk of hyperbole self-promotion.  The committee’s intolerance of police dehumanizing black males is an anemic consideration at the very best. As evidenced by Seattle’s history of rubber-stamp committees, their predictable actions want to reduce the pace of social justice and even in some regards reverse the civil rights of Seattle’s black Americans. It seems the committee has shrugged off the human consequences of police brutality and the destructive connecting dots of the judicial system, unemployment, and homelessness. Once again, the innocent victim is blamed for being raped because they represent indifference to power. The reports algorithms of racist disincentives do not acknowledge the wide statistical disparity of institutional racism. This is a stunning display of naïveté that I hope the city council corrects. This aristocratic committees personal values and public policies have thrown black male victims of a corrupt system under Ted Nugent’s tour bus of discrimination.

Friday, August 2, 2013

cop dramas

thomasjasengardner                                                Tuesday, July 30, 2013


There has been a big hoopla about the racism of police, employers, hospitals, and politicians in American society. Conversations about institutional racism have reflected upon the role of families that encourage discrimination and communities that support segregation.  What is missing is a discussion about the fictional role of blacks in prime-time television storylines.  Whether its reality shows, news, sitcoms or police dramas, television gives people a window to a world that they can only imagine.

Such is the case, the prime culprit and instigator of new American racism is television. Hollywood movies directors repeated this same pattern of media racism when they extolled the virtues of Nazi Germany as Jews were led to death camps. With fact and fiction, corporate television disseminates information to millions of Americans. Unfortunately, with erroneous knowledge, the media cast blacks as a typical criminal protagonist. TV executives have created a mythical pattern of criminality that is being articulated within society’s preconceptions about race, class, and gender. News and entertainment media are fashioned so that images of black males are the first and most disproportionate examples of criminals, drug addicts, and homelessness. Additional studies illustrate how a TV audience, wrongly links the overrepresentation of fictional violent black criminals, with the safe reality of their personal lives.

When whites purposely misidentify a black man as a criminal suspect it illustrates that existing attitudes and beliefs about race are hazardous to our judicial system.
Research confirms that when jurors view fictional video footage of a guilty black man, they will transfer real harsh recommendations to a black man who is innocent of a similar crime.

Prime time television makes racism palpable to Americans through its seductive videos. Still, like the Internet, you cannot believe everything you see on TV. But like social media, the social effects of racial bias in television negatively influences and disturbingly reinforces irrational racist behavior. Television conglomerates have a FCC license to teach stereotypical attitudes and misconceptions about people which viewers ignorantly accept as truth.  Even on mute, television perpetuates racism with an actor’s negative predisposition towards blacks represented in body language and facial expression. Even on the news, blacks are shown as shufflin, shiny-faced, head-scratchin' simpletons with bugged out eyes who don’t work and who speaks bad English.

Yes, the role of black nannie mammies and slovenly black males was prominent during the birth of television’s early days.  Greasy black-faced white actors did not bode well on the black and white television screen. Blacks were better adapted to encoding black gestures or looks or postures that pigeonholed them as an inferior race, incapable of being civilized. How many of us remember the empathy for the inept but lovable black matriarch of the Beulah television show. Then you must also remember the comic antics of black butler Rochester on the Jack Benny Show.. Even when he saves the day, he does it by his natural incompetence, so his heroism is a sidekick joke, and what makes it more acceptable is he does it in the service of his white boss. Ah, the white mans burden.

These shows have very much in common with Differ’nt Stokes and Good Times. They have a central role in perpetuating the centuries old myths framed by white racists. Media stereotypes of blacks as lazy, stupid, foolish, cowardly, submissive, irresponsible, childish, violent, sub-human, and animal-like, were rampant in TV programs. These programs condone pervasive racism in American culture. Jim Crow has been reproduced and sustained in the mass media. These shows also give credence to whites that refuse to assimilate with a culture that they learned about from fictional TV.

But the caricature of those earlier black roles changed anew during the proceeding decades of cop shows. The resurgence of racist behavior and right wing political thought has its roots in TV programming. Television has reinforced the old bigoted notions of contemptible racism from reality shows and fictional cop shows. Black suspects on television are commonly over-represented as criminals in relation to actual arrest rates.  The programs narratives are booby trapped with stereotyped images of bad black men. On the opposite side of the pendulum, television’s white criminals are arrested less then the actual rates proven in federal statistics.

Most Americans watch as much as 4 hours of TV or more a day. Does seven and a half instances of physical violence per one hour of television entertainment alter a real life perception of black people? Only one percent of Americans actually experience crime and only 20 percent of that one percent is actually violent crime. But television uses dynamic means to attract our attention to ingrained cultural expectations that only highlights black indifferences to American justice. While fictional storylines portray blacks as the instigator of violent crimes, the reality is that blacks account for the largest share of non-violent offenders and the most obvious offender of property crimes.

But to perpetrate the falsehood of angry black men, TV shows display over 10 times as much black violent crime as actually reported to authorities. TV viewers believe in a false reality consistent with that found on television cop shows.  This steady stream of intense, violent, and threatening narratives creates an artificially heightened sense of danger. A heavy exposure to any cop drama indoctrinates viewers to believe that they are likely to be a crime victim of a black criminal anywhere at anytime.

Mistaken memories derived from television have created a black perpetrator even when the criminal is white according to social scientists. When in reality white victimization is more likely to be from a white criminals fraud and investment scam or a violent white criminal in their community. Hence, there is more white-collar crime that is underreported by the mass media because insider-trading convictions lack the excitement of a racist lynch mob.

During that era and beyond, television executives learned that viewers paid more attention to murder and mayhem then light hearted comedy or informative documentaries. Yes it is true that some viewers were more likely to watch a program that satisfies their paranoid images of lawless blacks stalking unsuspecting whites. Yet, let us not forget those young children who are indoctrinated early by televisions falsehoods of black men. Besides carrying such unsubstantiated fears into adulthood, they too have learned from television about the potentially threatening and violent black man from televisions misdiagnoses of facts.

These false images became intangible with the true images of black people.
Of course there were the shows of dysfunctional black families whose comic relief was to maintain a racist ideology. Without considering that blacks spent $1 trillion on commercial merchandise, TV surveys show that pacifying racist southern viewers with segregated programs was a in-house corporate goal. Why else would camera close-ups of racist tattoos on Sons of Anarchy actors be so prominently revealed again and again? Ultimately, racism is meant to insure TV executives a lucrative income from corporate advertising.

Even today, to maintain and encourage more viewers, television shifted the image of the docile and trusted black servant to an incorrigible black criminal. Both lifestyles reflected white societies images of black Americans. However, the imagery of television turned the black man into a believable threat with a uncontrollable urge for brutality, thievery and other unscrupulous behavior. Such behavior that is real or imagined produces a fight or flight response where adrenaline is priming, heart rates are elevated and blood pressure is increased. Like all animals with an instinct for survival we want to learn from the fictional program what to be cautious of. Lo and behold, it’s who my grandmother told me it was. Television made the false hypocrisy of equality easier to believe. The most damaging of prime-time broadcast television shows were the endless police detective and judicial displays of blacks as the worst and sometimes only criminal antagonist in America. Inciting fear of crime was a mainstay and still is a mainstay of broadcast television programing.

TJ Hooker, The Streets of San Francisco, and Dragnet represented cop shows where 60-90 percent of the perpetrators were black. Shows like the F.B.I., N.Y.P.D. Blue and Adam-12 tend to implicate all black men as purveyors of violent crime. Despite department of justice statistics that show the contrary, white television viewers falsely believe that blacks are the only repositories of American crime. Cop dramas like Barnaby Jones, Cagney and Lacy, CHiPS and Hunter placates television viewers who have become entrapped by these fictional representations of racism mistakenly identify blacks as perpetrators of crime.

Cop stories like Ironside, Kojak, Nash Bridges, and Starsky and Hutch had degrading black stereotypes that reinforced and enhanced the negative portrayal of blacks in the media. These negative racist stereotypes of thoughts and beliefs are the principals used when white people are presented with a real crime situation or are asked to judge a criminal event. Instead of showing the use of reason and the rule of law, When African American defendants were in court, their trials were overwhelmingly compared to TV cop episodes instead of documented facts.

Even if the black characters matched a viewers values and beliefs in terms of attractiveness, sociability, kindness and intelligence, white viewers still elicit negative responses to a black character. Is that why New York City television situation comedies featured no blacks?  Did the producers and stars on Seinfeld, Friends, and Sex and the City realize that people with a racial bias gravitate towards shows that pander to their beliefs? Social experiments prove to researchers that shows with an all-white cast are considered more profitable. The invisibility of black actors interacting with white actors in white environments has to be condoned by white corporations that advertise on these shows.

Yesteryear, when the black Nat King Cole show featured a mixed couple dancing, advertisers pulled their commercials. Today, when a Cheerio’s cereal commercial shows a mixed couple, the shows producers pulled the commercial. They claimed that the few racists it offended justified ending further exposure. Neither TV executives nor advertisers consider the wider audience of all Americans when considering profit revenue.

How can media advertisers of these whites only programs deny the presence of blacks in regions with large black populations? Integration would strip the show of its systematic homogeneous representation of American and restrict worldwide distribution. Potentially threatening and violent images of black men are invalid images that taint the quality of our cultural perceptions. Stereotypes convey ideological messages of racist clichés that are laden with ritual and myth. That blacks lack the optimism to empower him or her with success because they are incapable of growth, change, innovation or transformation. 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Black Genocide


Ethnic Cleansing:

1360 words                                                                           Monday, Jul 22, 2013                      

Black men, be afraid. Be very afraid.

Today’s patterns of black profiling are similar to the annulation of 17 million Jews in Europe. Today’s patterns of bigotry and hatred mirror the purification of the Cambodia Khmer Rouge against 2.5 million dead civilians. Todays pattern of cultural persecution is similar to the Bangladeshi war crimes where 3 million people were killed because of how they voted.  
This has also been a painful week of genocide for Americans black citizens. The ongoing saga of African-Americans in the United States draws a direct comparison to the extermination of blacks in Nazi Germany. The sterilization, isolation, incarceration, medical experimentations, brutal torture, segregation and sexual abuse of blacks in Germany follow the same pattern of black genocide in America. This nationalistic trend of black abuse is defined as white ethnocentrism by the United Nations.
The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was adopted by the United Nations in 1948 as a response to the extermination of and Germany’s Final Solution for Gypsies, Jews, and Africans. It took American politicians nearly 44 years to sign the genocide declaration. Why? Because Americans maltreatment of its black citizens was a hypocritical shocking testament of ethnic cleansing as viewed by European nations.
The Civil Rights Congress, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and the National Negro Congress separately petitioned the United Nations to act upon the many racist instances of lynching, incarceration and segregation in the United States. After each rejection, the presenters included more government statistics and examples of an established pattern of legal discrimination, and systematic inequalities in the health and quality of life for African-Americans. The petition argued that the US government is both complicit with and responsible for black genocide.
More today then yesterday:
Black men must realize that ethnic cleansing has taken many forms in this country. From the high rate of black infant mortality to the high number of black seniors dying from preventable illnesses. From the high number of incarcerated blacks to the high number of blacks on death row; from the high ratio of blacks who die from treatable tumors to the high number of blacks that die from prostrate, bone, lung and breast cancer; From the high number of blacks who die from misdiagnosed high blood pressure to the high number of blacks who die from preventable strokes and heart disease.    
These acts are examples of what the United Nations considered to be an attempt to purposely deny a race the right to exist by killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life that is calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part. Even today, Americans have become culturally conditioned to marginalize black people as second-class citizens.
It is apparent from these unorganized documented patterns of extermination, that black men are endangered of becoming destroyed. Currently, police racially profile one in four black men. Every 28 hours, a black man is either beaten or shot by a police officer in America. With stand your ground laws in 24 states; the number of blacks who are physically abused or murdered by cowboy civilians is expected to multiply every hour. In these same states, there has been a 360 percent increase in private citizens harassing black males without legal authority. Innocent blacks profiled, mistreated, and abused by civilians in jobs, housing, and healthcare mirrors the indiscriminate assassinations by Hitler’s Nazi brown shirts.
This categorization was giving trigger-happy racists a call to arms. Many gun stores in white communities reported an increase in weapon sales. Many civic gun license departments also saw an increase in concealed weapon permit applications. Because the court deemed that you know longer need a badge to kill a black man, every zealot with a gun could validate his or her provoked killing as an act of self-defense.
Just last week, a white woman jumped on a music stage and physically pummeled an old black blues musician. She later said that the musician’s dedication to Trayvon martin offended her. She was defending herself against a verbal discussion of Trayvon Martin’s human rights.. It’s a good thing she did not have a gun.  The idea of universal suspicion without individual evidence is what black men in America must constantly fight. Yet this example is evidence that a white woman with a purse may no longer clutch her purse from a black man passing her by on the sidewalk. Without any evidence, her learned behavior says that a black man will undoubtedly steal her purse without provocation.  And with this mindset she will use her gun to defend herself against an imaginary threat.
The same applies to that familiar racist sound of a white families car door locking as a black man walking his dog passes by. The same stereotyped suspension will encourage the car driver to perform a racially motivated action because of what he stereotypes as predictable behavior for a car jacking. Instead of the usual click of a car door locking, the victim will hear the sound of a gun’s hammer clicking before the bullet is fired at an unsuspecting pedestrian.
When Emmitt Till and Medgar Evers bodies were mutilated and killed under the ruse of civilian justice, it is the same reason a black man can be killed today. This masochistic cycle is steamrolled by Tea-Party citizens, but is inflamed by new conservative politicians who rebranded racism with the same rude and obnoxious behavior of the old south. In the new South, an innocent Trayvon Martin was killed under the ruse of vigilante justice.
Another judicial court proclaimed the innocence of another killer of black men is allowed to go free. This ongoing judicial consent to murder black men has given legal license for bigots to indiscriminately kill any black man. The court sanctioned murders of black men by police and civilians have triggered a wave of nationalist vigor among American’s white homogenous population. A spiral of escalating racism might be set in motion that will lead to various levels and forms of institutional discrimination against blacks.
The mass media and government aristocrats hide the high-intensity of black-white conflicts in America. The 400-year American fractionalization between whites and blacks has been a significant predictor of current ethnic conflicts. Political scientists assembled a large dataset that concludes American blacks are at risk of being exterminated because of government policies and the complex coalitions of the powerful white elite.
Black repression and intimidation has escalated into a nationalist apparatus forming all modes of bigotry and hate. The political mobilization of right wing organizations has championed the degradation of blacks as a brand of American theology and patriotism. Business lobbyists and high-level politicians oppose any federal support for blacks and reject any level of power sharing with black politicians or black constituents. Corporate powers have considered the election of a black president a reason to marginalize the economic and political power of black citizens into a powerless culture.
The Supreme Court has helped to exploit the unpopularity of blacks in hopes of restoring the ethnocratic regime of states rights to discriminate and segregate. Political elites have mobilized their members and forged corporate alliances based on ethnic similarity. The satisfactory arrangement with different ethnic groups to discriminate is directed by the total exclusion of blacks into an inferior culture of any ethnic group. While the right wing media tried to portray the murderer as a model minority, they forget that black exclusion by other ethnic groups is considered to be an important criterion for citizenship.
These new dynamics highlight a need for a new direction of liberation activism. The social and political opposition to policies designed to narrow and eliminate racial inequalities must be stopped.
The state of race relations in this country is horrendous. It will take more then a conversation about race to discrimination in America.

Ethnic Cleansing, black profiling, Jews, United Nations, Tea-Party, Trayvon Martin, Hitler, Nazi, KKK, Emmitt Till,  Medgar Evers, car jacking, Supreme Court, race, stand your ground, discrimination, segregation, murder, lynching,

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dr. Martin Luther King and Gov. Walker

Thomas Jasen Gardner                                 Tuesday, Jan 17, 2012

“Its been a long time comin’, but I know a change is gonna come.”

Sam Cooke

Letter to the Editor:

Yesterday, Martin Luther King Day was the day the anti-Walker people broke the camels back of my endearing patience. When a liberal editorial writer misrepresented an interpretation of King’s position on unions, it put a cactus thorn in my pragmatic point of view.

But when protesters interrupted the Governor with boo’s and hisses on a day for a man that just wants us all to get along, the rude distraction really pissed me off. It unconsciously tells me that these union supporters maybe part of the group that did not want a MLK holiday.  At the least, they certainly weren’t the supportive voices I heard during the confrontational debate for creating a MLK national holiday. Why else would protesters desecrate this worshipful moment? What kind of message do they think it gave black well-mannered attendees? These same people may have sympathized with their anti-Walker sentiments, before this public raucous action. But after this… only God can explain the behavior of stupid people.

 It reminded me that black history among state residents under Walker, is no better then when Democrats had the legislative edge? You need both hands to count the number of times Democrats joined with Republicans in GOP legislation that victimized black people. The party comparison clearly shows that Walker could do no worse with addressing generational issues of environmental racism, banana republic public schools, long-term unemployment and second-class health care. He certainly could not do no worse then the flip-flopping democrat who makes condensing urban visits on a MLK Holiday or an Election Day.

This public event really upset me because I had just written an opinion about Mrs. Obama getting booed at a racetrack as she was expressing support for returning vets. It was quite disgraceful and ignorant to boo the President’s wife, but most disrespectful of the veterans she was trying to elicit help for. Believe you me, as a Vietnam Era Vet, not one politician every expressed empathy for Vietnam vets. So this should have been a defining moment of a cause without colors. But the rednecks could not get pass the chocolate color of her skin.

Thus, booing Walker during this holistic ceremony was akin to spitting on the grave of a black Aristotle. Could the protesting phyllobates terribilis’ constrain their venomous contempt for Walker while attending a pre-ordained event? A gathering meant to construe harmony and peace as preconditioned by the host. Maybe this is why so few blacks have publicly supported this revolution to reinvigorate the withering middle class.  Or is it because I never saw a Plumbers local union 87 or any other local union parade civil rights signs at a poor peoples campaign? Or is it because so few blacks achieved the American Dream despite upgraded apartheid barriers; blockades that are strategically insurmountable to the average African-American young male dreaming to join the middle class? Have these unions ever wondered why there are so few blacks if any at these state union rallies and Occupy Wall street protest demonstrations?

Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, Teach him to fish and he eats for life:

It’s because unions rarely used nepotism to hire blacks, unless it was in the union’s self-interest of expansionism slumming for non-traditional union jobs. Many blacks still wonder where was the union when co-workers or employers were routinely discriminating against them at these low level jobs? Were reports true that union reps were sleeping with the enemies of civil rights? If FBI’s Hoover can sanction such betrayal, it must be Standard Operating Procedure for all cross-dressing public servants.

The one or two prominent blacks that gave support seemed to be the only spot in the audience beside myself and the, few curious blacks who were physically distant.
Perhaps the scarring flashback of biting Alabama police dogs and Georgia fire hydrant water crowd control was too recent for more black participation.   But the pioneers who helped rein in police retaliation did get honorable mentions at these well-mannered political gatherings. The union should appreciate the religious social activist re-appropriating anti-Walker peaceful civil disobedience to its Negro origins. The union reps certainly did not..

 I went to honor the speaker and not to support teachers who refuse black self-determination or an office staff where I never see a black secretary or mid-level manager or a university construction site where I counted 93 white union members and two black men. Wow!  Imagine that? What a pitiful percentage rate in 2012.

In addition, the few black union members are afraid of unmentionable consequences, if they don’t feign participation. The union simpletons could question your dedication to oligarchy. Oh don’t be so naïve, its been done before. Look at the minute number of blacks working in skilled union trades. It is near or below the number of blacks in unions before civil rights legislation. Recent non-existent black union members are no mere coincidence according to current court records. Systematic discrimination is alive and well in American’s worker unions. So, as the single black employee, you better learn to like Spam and jello molds, if you want to keep your job. Remember, unemployment among blacks is 2-3 times higher then the rest of the workers. So be afraid, be very afraid. World War II Polish Jews can help you comprehend the sequence of incarcerated friends and disappearing relatives who lost jobs and never got another one. 

Because with two blacks on the same job they think you are planning a robbery, and with three blacks on the job, they suspect a riot is forthcoming. In other words, a façade of AA/EEO compliance is bureaucratically acceptable with one black employee in a low level unskilled easily replaceable position. What a ruse? What’s worse is that the subterfuge perpetrated by management is most likely agreeable to the union members who commute and hunt together from the same segregated neighborhood.

Oh, I don’t mean the janitor’s union or the healthcare worker union. Or the factory union where my father died young from an asbestos work environment sanctioned by his union leaders.  I mean union jobs where a man could learn a healthy trade, buy a house, feed his family, and save money for his kid’s college tuition. By earning a living wage that support families. Many of these so-called unions denied blacks the right to join unions until recent court orders made union members accept diversity. As you drive down the street, take note who is in that city truck, as you walk into an office building take note of how vanilla it is.

My great uncle, my mother’s mother brother, recited many times how blacks were the original stagehands until the great depression, when whites who formally thought the job was to lowly for a white man, and convinced theater owners under anonymous threats to only hire white union members for stage carpenter, make-up, lighting, etc. Did you also know black slaves were the nations first coal miners, they were freed to mine coal for the war against the Confederacy, until a union created a literacy test that excluded blacks from mining jobs?

Even then, they selected a rookie Hispanic or Asian as a union member before they would accept experienced black tradesmen. These blacks that were skilled and dedicated workers could not get pass the stereotyped contemptible profiles promoted by union members and management. The facts show that they obviously believed that working with any other ethnic group was better then working with their cultural image of a black man. ¿Por qué lo ignoramos?

Believe you me, as a union electrician, it was emotionally difficult to get up each morning and deal with the institutional racism projected at me throughout the workday by my so-called union brothers. When I would ask for increased responsibility that would match my proven skills, I found myself laid off for a few weeks. It only gave me more time to tell my children, nephews and nieces, never to join a union or associate with anyone who claims to be a union member. Rise above such wickedness by going to college was the clarion call they got tired of hearing.

When the black garbage workers went on strike it was because the white union got better benefits then the union blacks working for lower wages. Once there, I found out there were two union tiers. Blacks were not invited to join the sacrilegious group with better conditions. King was campaigning for equity wages, not to join a union. Did southern blacks really want to join a southern union that would not accept blacks as equal members? I don’t think so. There is a historical reason to believe that all hell would break lose. And if you dig further into King’s conversations, you will find that he knows how fire stations and union halls were the headquarters of the local KKK, John Birch society and other anti-black meetings.

So why would a black support a union with the racist baggage that is consciously carried by it’s members into the 21st century.  They missed the paradigm shift of compliancy by purposely dismissing those who could of helped them the most.

So, editorial writers have no consensus to lecture blacks about King’s position on unions. Is it because there are no black writers on daily newspaper staffs to help you interpret community beliefs you otherwise ignore? Write about the 19th century Google images of lynched blacks hanging in front of fire stations, carpenter unions, episcopal churches and city halls. Write about the anti-black petitions signed by 20th century fireman and policemen. Write about the recent racist hyperbole coming out of the mouths of 21st century politicians when they talk to unions.

The Rebellion of the Confederacy

I never had any hostility about Governor Walker one way or another. The schools; well, blacks have been receiving the recycled end of public funding since time forever. As far as voter rights, the GOP does not have the best interest of poor people, senior citizens, or transients in mind. But in this day and age of terrorism and identity theft from outside and inside our boundaries, many would feel comfortably secure if everyone had formal identity. Nothing new about black males showing citizenship papers or proof that somebody loves you. It’s just new totalitarian methods for union members and their protégés. In retrospect, fifth generation blacks have been outraged about ID hassles for at least a century, and no union member came to the rescue of inconspicuous black males being provoked by local police, storeowners or strange women. But suddenly they wake up when Hispanics are recently deported as illegal immigrants. I know King said injustice to anyone is injustice to everyone, but even to an insurance caveman, segregating American injustice issues seems ironic when American middle class values are applied. Where are the middle class union brothers and families whose commitment to people can conspire to stop these segregated atrocities against basic human rights?

Only when conservative actions threaten the status quo of hypercritical elitist Wisconsinites lifestyles, does the withering middle class become concerned about universal interpersonal interactions. Blacks that are out of sight, out of mind, and out of work, is standard operating procedure for Americans unions. But now they want my invisible vote against Walker.

Where are the union protest signs when cops are indiscriminately beating up young black men?  Where are the union protest signs when urban public schools get equipment leftovers from rich public schools? Where are the unions when the new urban highway, exposes the kid standing at the bus stop, to more pollution then a factory worker at work?

 I figure, let the man do his job. He threatened to get tough with imaginary black privilege. You voted for him. He won. Get over it. Live with disillusion. We do. Get used to disappointment. You toughened us up and we’ll be glad to help you learn the finer qualities of poverty and long-term unemployment.

But now I have a reason to vote for Walker, which supersedes any of my political reasons for not voting for him. Because being a black male in college, I just read how an union employer would hire a white high school drop-out felon before he would hire an unscathed black college graduate.  Well, I guess I certainly don’t have any economic reasons for voting against Walker. Why worry? It’s the same shackles.

Can you handle the truth? The unions created their own demise when the “old boy network” fashioned membership criteria identical to the poll tax and literacy tax. If they had only included all those they excluded, Governor Walker would not be Governor Walker and their withering numbers would be overwhelming algorithms.

Thanks for giving me additional courage to vote for a man that does not hide behind union skirts and apron strings. He publicly represents the states narcissism of being indifferent to anyone different. Just like the AFL/CIO.

Could you include this picture of Uncle Walter at work? He will look kindly upon you from heaven.