News junkies resent the death of Michael J. Jackson. It intrudes upon their masochistic desire to enjoy the various scenes of bloody traumas facing the world. Believe me, the death of Socrates, and the death of Lincoln, and the death of Roosevelt created as much media hyperbole about as MJ does today.
In past centuries, the lives of artists like Shakespeare and Picasso and the suicide of an one-eared artist, created controversy, conversation, and contriteness from tabloid writers. MJ’s mass media coverage is no different from the media frenzy given to deceased icons from long ago. Maybe the conservative media is jealous of how the death of President Reagan or Elvis Presley did not warrant the same media hype. They need not worry; media obsession with the black MJ is still second to the white Princess Di’s mass media funeral obsession.
Like the CEO’s of Detroit auto manufacturers, the media pundits just don’t get all the attention directed at MJ. The topics of war, poverty, and environment have always been requiems for MJ. His history is not limited to a controversial trial that found him innocent of all charges. Alternatively, the physiological demons that influenced his physical appearance is another episode in the life of another American icon.
The life of an American soldier and the effects of war upon the innocent civilian is of utmost concern to Jackson. This is proven by his visit to Walter Reed Hospital where he praised injured Iraqi soldiers. His concern about the rain forest and increasing deserts was exhibited in his songs and monetary contributions to just causes. The plight of people living in dismal hopelessness all around the world; was clearly examined within MJ’s songs and music videos.
There is ignorance about Michael Jackson in contemporary America that bears no relationship to the impact that this human being had upon the world. Watching MSNBC's liberal newscasters simply categorize Jackson as a weird demented icon was heart wrenching. They destroyed my image of a passionate and empathetic news station and cruelly reminded me of FOX's discriminatory coverage of OJ Simpson. There is a hereditary trend for whites to automatically view black males as guilty no matter how innocent.
But these hypocritical commentators stop short of lambasting Princess Di for her extramarital affairs featured on tabloid headlines. On the other hand, no one castrated the rockabilly King on his deathbed for his public use of amphetamines and barbiturates. MJ’s erratic behavior was publicized like a cattle prod up his fans collective asses; because no matter how famous he was,...no matter how many presidents invited him into the white house,...no matter how many NGO’s survived with his donations,...and no matter how many of his musical peers recognized his genius,...and no matter that 30.1 million people felt empathy about his death; naysayers did not easily acknowledge his professional awards or his contributions to society, because he is a black male. Every successful black male will acknowledge the tribulations and traumas associated with breaking the glass ceiling of a white male world.
But the press only saw his follies. Various orators could hardly accomplish their long and laborious speechifying meant to dispel the highest praises of international leaders and the noblest honor of men upon the golden soul of MJ.
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