Monday, July 6, 2009

Young Republicans

Its always open season on blacks. Some of you educated white liberals might admit that 82 percent (2004 stats) of you will enjoy racist comments made by your peers. In private conversation, you will not stop the degradation of another human being if that person is black.

Look around your work sites. Where are your black co-workers? seventy percent of middle and middle upper class blacks work in government. Government is the only employer dedicated to closing the ever widening employment gap between black and white. Private sector has your permission to exclude blacks because you feel uncomfortable with more then two blacks in the same room.

President Obama said the most segregated place in American is church on Sunday morning. He's wrong, with only 6 percent of black news reporters sitting in the newsroom. I say that the most segregated place is the newsroom on Monday morning, writing negative copy about blacks to reinforce stereotypes formulated by the press.

Another issue is how some of you are so childish to believe its socially acceptable to call blacks names. Well, let me say, at my age, I have never heard any black refer to whites as polacks, spics, potato heads, Marshmallow, Ofay Trailer Trash, etc.etc.
And then again, I remember as a black Vietnam Veteran, that the Vietnamese could claim american citizenship as long as they could say the 'n' word. Other foreigners have also learned that this lesson is the true path to citizenship. But you don't hear blacks saying pakis or towelheads in public or private.
So, whats your excuse?

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